How to Get the Most Out of Every Day
...TIME is and would always be, the only thing changing is man and his endless wants.

We all have used these phrases, “There is no time”, “I am running out of time”, and “I have no time for …” but Time stands still, we are the ones marching to meet time. Tomorrow the sun will rise at dawn and set in the evening as it has done for all eternity and will continue to do so even when we have long left this earth. But we would age, and our bodies would grow weak over time, and time would still be.
Some years back I lost my dad before he passed he had a brief illness, and I watched a very active man slow down and become dependent on people, a man who would usually be out of the house by 9 am, off to his various building sites was now forced to be home all day, but that didn’t stop the sun from rising and setting every day, which means time still was the same as it has always been.
Time is right there, not a hindrance to anything we want to do, it’s left for us to figure out what’s important and what isn’t, knowing this and being able to prioritize things in terms of importance and usefulness makes us live more impactful and fuller lives. Being aware that come what may the sun will rise tomorrow, and it will set, and we have no control over that, nor can we stop it from happening. What we can control is our activities, our choices, our individual wants as human beings.
fig; A beautiful sunrise.
So, the next time you want to say “I do not have the time…” remember that Time is always there, it is you who hasn’t prioritized that activity you want to perform. In my field of practice, I hear this excuse of not having the Time to take care of oneself, to exercise, to prepare healthy meals, or even have time for simple practices like meditation or self-reflection. When you inquire as to how they spend their day it becomes clear that it’s often a matter of not prioritizing things in terms of what is most important.
your health and wellness are important you should prioritize it at all costs
because TIME is and will always be, the only thing changing is man and his
endless wants.