Listen Closely: What is Your Body Saying?
Our bodies are like farmland, what we sow on it in terms of lifestyle is what we reap or harvest many times over.

Little drops of consistent water, they say, would eventually make an ocean; ok maybe not an ocean but a pond of water. As human beings our needs are often endless and so also is our love for things that happen magically. We want things to differ the laws of science when it concerns us because how do you explain someone wanting to magically loose weight by drinking a cup of sliming tea, or when you put on a specially made belt (rolling my eyes) called waist trainers then you automatically loose inches off your waist without changing your lifestyle. These are magical acts and can only be pulled off by magicians if magicians did exist, but if you are not a magician you are better off doing things according to the laws of nature or of science. Have you seen a farmer plant corn and harvest cassava or plant maize seeds and harvest yam tubers. All I am saying is don’t spend your evenings drinking bottles of beer and canceling bowls of pounded yam but when you come for a massage at Naturesgiftwellness you want us to magically massage your stomach till you have six packs. We tend to forget that it is consistency in doing the right thing that eventually causes a noticeable change.
Still using the analogy of the farm, every farmland has its uniqueness, and this dictates the type of crops that can do well on the said farm. Our bodies are like farmland, what we sow on it in terms of lifestyle is what we reap or harvest many times over. But it is worthy of note that what can be grown on one farmland might not grow well in another, we are quick to follow the bandwagon and jump on health and wellness trends without realizing that each person is peculiar and what works perfectly for one might not work for another. I often share with anyone who’s willing to listen, that we are, in essence, our own primary caregivers. If we cannot attune to our bodies and discern their needs, it becomes challenging to nurture and maintain our well-being. When consulting with a medical professional, articulating our symptoms accurately is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. It's vital that we listen to our bodies attentively, even if we don't fully comprehend their messages, so that we can effectively communicate with the appropriate healthcare provider.
We cannot relinquish responsibility for our
wellness to others; while seeking assistance from professionals is valuable,
ultimately, it is up to us to make the choices that promote our own well-being.
So be courageous and begin your wellness journey, it starts with just one step
in the right direction.